
现在投资. 获得现金奖励.

在9月30日之前,将资金转到新的或现有的State Farm®Traditional或罗斯IRA账户, 2024年,你可能有资格享受这个限时优惠.



计划,储蓄,投资,和我们一起成长. 你是否在为退休储蓄, 资助孩子的教育, 或者积累财富来帮助你实现你设想的未来, 我们可以帮忙.


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考虑投资共同基金? 需要帮助 退休计划 或者建立一个 传统的 or 罗斯IRA 账户? 或者,也许是时候把钱藏起来了 教育储蓄计划 支付大学费用或存钱买新房子?

We have local agents that are licensed 和 trained to help you find the right investment products 和 guide you every step of the way towards meeting your financial objectives.



了解你的投资目标是实现目标的第一步. 您的注册代理可以根据您的独特需求帮助您定义和优先考虑这些目标.


你愿意承担多大的风险? 你需要多快拿到你投资的钱? 注册经纪人经过培训,根据您的目标和目标风险水平为您提供投资选择.


多元化程度高的投资组合并不能保证不亏损, 但随着时间的推移,它可以帮助你将风险降到最低,并优化你的回报. 您的注册代理可以帮助您建立最适合您的投资组合.

为什么要投资State Farm

通过市场的变化和你生活的变化, 我们会帮助你朝着你的目标前进.



您的注册代理可以帮助您制定个性化的计划, 根据你的目标, 你的风险承受能力, 你的时间范围.


为退休储蓄? 支付大学学费? 买新房子? 我们提供多种账户选择,帮助您实现目标.


Teaming with strategic partners BlackRock® 和 American Funds® by Capital Group® helps us to provide our customers a broad range of investment options.


Broaden your financial literacy through exploring our library of free articles on personal finance 和 investing.





贝莱德共同基金由贝莱德投资公司分销, 有限责任公司(及其附属公司), “贝莱德”). 贝莱德不隶属于SFVPMC或此处提及的任何其他实体. 贝莱德是贝莱德公司的注册商标.

SFVPMC is a separate entity from Capital 研究 和 Management Company (CRMC) which is the investment adviser for the American Funds. 美国基金证券通过美国基金分销商公司分销. 所有Capital Group商标均为Capital Group公司所有的注册商标, 公司. 或附属公司.

SFVPMC has a contractual agreement with Pershing to serve as our clearing firm 和 is not affiliated with SFVPMC.

SFVPMC is a separate entity from Ascensus which provides recordkeeping 和 administrative 服务s for retirement plans. Ascensus不隶属于SFVPMC.


罗素2000指数追踪美国2000家最小的公司的普通股表现.S. 罗素3000指数成份股公司.



罗素中盘股指数衡量的是美国中盘股的表现.S. 股票市场,是罗素1000指数的子集.


The NASDAQ Composite is an unmanaged market capitalization weighted index that is designed to represent the performance of the National Market System.

的年代&标准普尔500指数追踪美国500家大型公司的普通股表现.S. 公司.

彭博-巴克莱1-5年期美国债券.S. 国债指数衡量短期美国国债的表现.S. 一至五年内到期的国债.

彭博巴克莱U.S. 总债券指数代表美国的债务证券.S. 投资级固定利率应税债券市场.


彭博-巴克莱高收益债券指数涵盖了美国国债.S. 美元计价,非投资级,固定利率,应税公司债券市场.

彭博巴克莱U.S. TIPS指数是由美国发行的通货膨胀保值证券组成的非管理指数.S. 财政部.


富时EPRA/NAREIT开发房地产(美国除外).S. Index is designed to measure the stock performance of 公司 engaged in specific real estate activities of the real estate markets outside of the United States.

The FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Real Estate Index is designed to measure the stock performance of 公司 engaged in specific real estate activities of the North American, 欧洲, 以及亚洲房地产市场.

摩根士丹利资本国际欧洲公司, Australasia 和 Far East Free (EAFE® Free) Index currently measures the performance of stock markets of Europe, 澳大利亚, 新西兰, 和远东地区.

The MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed 和 emerging markets.

摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数(不含美国.S.(MSCI ACWI不包括美国.S. Index) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure equity market performance in global developed 和 emerging markets, 不包括美国.

The MSCI Emerging Markets Index is a float-adjusted market capitalization index designed to measure equity market performance in global emerging markets.

The MSCI Japan Index is designed to measure the performance of the large 和 mid-cap segments of the Japan market.

瑞士信贷高收益指数旨在反映美国的可投资范围.S. 以美元计价的高收益债券市场.

The New York Stock Exchange is considered the largest equities-based exchange in the world based on total market capitalization of its listed securities.

The Nikkei 225 Index is a price-weighted index comprised of Japan’s top 225 blue-chip 公司 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

股票和债券基金的混合基准是60%的S&标普500指数和巴克莱美国40%的股份.S. 总债券指数,每月重新平衡.


"S&“p500®”是麦格劳-希尔公司的商标. 并获得了州立农场共同基金信托基金的使用许可. 州立农场&标准普尔500指数基金(“基金”)并非由标准普尔赞助、认可、销售或推广 & 普尔和标准 & Poor's对投资本基金的可取性不作任何陈述.

罗素投资集团(“罗素”)是商标的来源和所有者, 与罗素2000指数相关的服务商标和版权. Russell®是Russell的商标. 州立农场小盘股指数基金(“基金”)不被赞助, 支持, 销售或推广, 和罗素没有任何关系. Russell is not responsible for 和 has not reviewed the Fund nor any associated literature or publications 和 Russell makes no representation or warranty, 明示或暗示, 至于它们的准确性, 或完整性, 或以其他方式.

EAFE®免费索引是一个商标, 服务标志和摩根斯坦利资本国际的独家财产, 公司. (“MSCI”)及其关联公司,并已获得State Farm共同基金信托(“信托”)的使用许可。. 国农国际指数基金(“基金”), 基于EAFE®自由指数, MSCI未就其合法性或适宜性向其传递意见, 并且没有发布, 赞助, 支持, 由MSCI出售或推广. MSCI不就本基金作出任何保证及承担任何责任. MSCI has no responsibility for 和 does not participate in the management of the Fund assets or sale of the Fund shares. The Trust's Statement of Additional Information contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with the Trust 和 the Fund.


Each of the investment products 和 服务s referred to on the State Farm 共同基金 web site is intended to be made available to customers or prospective customers residing in the United States. 客户的U.S. 永久居住地址必须是街道地址. This web site shall not be considered a solicitation or offering for any investment product or 服务 to any person in any jurisdiction w在这里 such solicitation or offer would be unlawful.


州立农场副总裁管理公司. has developed a 业务 Continuity Plan on how we will respond to events that significantly disrupt our business. 因为灾难和破坏的时间和影响是不可预测的, 我们必须灵活应对发生的实际事件. 考虑到这一点,我们向您提供有关我们业务连续性计划的信息.

pg电子官方网页版—If after a significant business disruption you cannot contact your State Farm agent (registered representative) as you usually do, 你应该去我们的网站statefarm看看.com®或您可以联系另一个当地注册的州立农场代理.

我们的业务连续性计划—We plan to quickly recover 和 resume business operations as soon as possible after a significant business disruption 和 respond by safeguarding our 员工 和 property, 进行财务和业务评估, 保护公司的账簿和记录, 并允许我们的客户进行交易. 简而言之, 我们的业务连续性计划旨在使我们的公司能够尽快恢复运营, 鉴于重大业务中断的范围和严重性.

Our business continuity plan addresses: data back-up 和 recovery; all mission critical systems; financial 和 operational assessments; alternative communications with customers, 员工, 和 regulators; alternate physical location of 员工; critical supplier, 承包商, bank 和 counter-party impact; regulatory reporting; 和 procedures to help ensure that our customers have prompt access to their funds 和 securities if we are unable to continue our business.

我们的业务连续性计划可能会被修订或修改. 如果有更改,更新的摘要将立即发布在我们的网站(statefarm)上.com®). You may obtain a current summary of our business continuity plan by writing to us at State Farm Investment Planning Services, 1 State Farm Plaza, 布卢明顿, IL 61710.

不同的中断-重大业务中断的范围可能有所不同, 比如只有我们公司, 我们公司就在一栋楼里, 我们公司所在的商业区, 我们所在的城市, 或者整个地区. 在这些领域中,破坏的严重程度也可以从轻微到严重不等. 只有我们公司或我们公司所在的大楼受到干扰, we may transfer our operations to a local site when needed 和 expect to recover 和 resume business within 1 business day. 在影响我们商业区的混乱中, 城市, 或地区, 我们将把我们的业务转移到受影响地区以外的地点, 并期望在3个工作日内恢复营业. 在任何情况下, 我们打算继续经营下去, 必要时转移操作, 并通过我们的网站statefarm通知你.com®, 你可以联系你的州立农场代理, 或者你可以联系另一家当地注册的州立农场代理. In the unlikely event that the significant business disruption is so severe that it prevents us from remaining in business, our plan provides procedures to help ensure that our customers have prompt access to their funds 和 securities.

在上述所有情况下, in light of the various types of disruptions that could take place 和 that every emergency poses unique problems, 在任何特定的中断期间,恢复运营可能需要更长的时间.

了解更多信息-如果您对我们的业务连续性计划有疑问,您可以联系您的State Farm代理.


投资前,应考虑基金的投资目标、风险、收费及开支. 这和其他重要信息都包含在 基金说明书 和 招股说明书摘要 哪些可以通过参观国家农场获得.com. 仔细阅读.

美元平均成本, 自动投资计划, 资产配置和多样化并不能保证盈利或防止损失.

State Farm及其代理人都不提供税务或法律建议.

证券不受FDICpp王者电子官网, 不是银行担保,有投资风险吗, 包括可能的本金损失.

证券由State Farm®VP管理公司发行.
